Monday, September 30, 2013

what got me started making mixes

It was back in the late 10970s
A friend lent me some 45s to borrow.I recorded them to cassette.I used to do this with some records too.
Around the mid 1980s my Cousin Steve made a couple of mixtapes for his sisters wedding.He hand wrote the song and the artist on the index card.We started talking about music.He told be how he made them.
 During this time I started to take power walks to stay in shape. Having some music to listen to might help motivate me,so I started making mixtapes.
not long after that I was on a tight budget and was wondering what to get my dad.The light went on.
A mixtape!
I dint have much of what he liked in my collection at the time so I had to sneak into his record collection when he wasn't home to borrow his records.I almost got caught a few times but managed to pulled it off.
     When he opened it opened he liked the tracklist.He asked me where I got the music and I told him my story of daring do.
  Making his mixtape was fun and an education in the music of the 40s and early 50s.I got turned on to it too but a hip girl in her 20s doesn't dare admit least I didn't!
 being dad liked his mixtape I started making mixtapes for other family and then branched out to friends.
 In the early 1990s our custodian started to DJ the school Dances and I helped him.I would cue up the tape to songs we thought the kids would like. He eventually upgraded to CDs so I was just an observer and later tried to do little DJ spots while he went on a small break and years later he confessed they were smoking breaks when you could still smoke in the teachers room!
    I made tapes for friends If I was going to a party.I made tapes if someone needed music for long car rides.
  If I dint have the money to go out and buy new music, I went to the library.Yardsales and flea markets were good too.
 Many times Id be making a mix and the phone would ring or someone would stop by.My creative process got interrupted and often fouled up my train of thought and my editing skills .
 I was discovering the greatness of other genres through making mixes for others.Once in a while someone would give my 5 or 10 bucks encouraging me to go out and buy more blank tapes!
  in the ealy 2000s I was the mixtape queen of Bay Head.
 sadly in January of 2003 my mom creative engines died with her.
  My dad and sister put the House on the market and everything had to be packed up.I made a tape or two before moving but I felt I lost the spark to make great mixes.The excitement wasn't what it used to be.
..To Be Continued!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Welcome to my new blog
This blog is dedicated to the love of the CD mix.Call it a hobby,art form or obsession.I love making CD mixes and giving them to family,friends and others who enjoy music.
 I started making mixtapes in the mid to late 1980s and upgrades to CDs in 2003.
    The creative process is different but its still fun.
   I welcome to to share your story of how you got started making mixes and how you are inspired to make them!I also welcome you to post your tracklist here and tips or ideas on making great mixes and cover art!