Friday, July 29, 2016

mix fans at work

Sometimes I'm surprised that  many folks still listen to CDs.Especially the teeneagera. I made a few Beach Cleaner mixes last summer and they still talk about them. One kid said to me the other day/ I hear you make mix tapes. Do you have any with you? no I replied but I'll bring some with me tomorrow.
The next day he was right there ..waiting. He was hapy to get it!
Musi is masic and mixes still produce smiles!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

2 cool shots of the day

My friend Bill Kobasz told me Bring your camera wiyj you whenever you can.
How right he is!
there have been so many time lately when Im glad I had my camera
like today
Here is a knight in shining armor promoting a new product I'm guessing.Either that or he's a deterrent for shoplifters! lol!!

Right after leaving the Liquor shop I saw this at the auto repair shop next door! This old girl i'm guessing is getting some work done for the next car show!

While I was at ny friends Chip and Joyces house a few of us sat on a nearby dock and watched the sunset on Scow ditch. What a beautiful sight!

clam Jam 2016

Yes its a new creation! This includes new songs by Micheal Franti,Santana and others from the past and present.You may also hear a song or two that are new to your ears.What fun for your ears! Dance and sing along and forget the problems of the world!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

shots of the day

So its 4th of July weekend and things are hoppin' here at the Jersey Shore! This bike  is owned and decorated by Zsa Zsa from the Refined shop. Lots of cool hand crafted art you will love!

Plus neat things outside her shop as well!

I went to the Dunegrass Cafe for lunch and while I was waiting for my order I saw this. What is it?

In my travels I saw this and it clearly states to those walking their dogs NOT to let your dog go on their lawn.  Although his lawn is small the statement is clear. Sadly not everyone cleans up after there dog. How many times have I stepped in --it?

anyway have a great 4th of July weekend!

An interview with James Dalton and Yard Sales scores!