Tuesday, November 26, 2013

you know your a good mixmaker when..

You You have friends liking the mixes you make them its sweet When you get the aprovel of your own family its like holy s--t!Wow!
I went out and got a $15.00 iTunes download card for my niece because she had a small list of songs and I added some picks of my own and she likes it.Of course I added a few Disney songs covered by reggae artists and other fun stuff from my era.heck yeah boy!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Boogaloo Party

                                                        my new mix!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

mixtapes and memories!

Heres a mixtape from 1995.
 Sometime after a school Dance,Frank would lend me some of his CDs to listen to over the weekend.Often times I had a mixtape started already.It would started off with songs I picked from my collection and end up being songs from Franks collection.Friends and family were blown away by this when I made them a mix.
 Trish?What were you drinking when you made this mix?some would ask. The Musical Genres were all over the road.I would go from classic rock to country and back and then go into the hits of the day.I still do that! One time I was DJing a fundraiser and a friend of  a friend who Deejayed clubs said Damn shes so Eclectic!
Yuup that's me!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Rhythmic Patterns

A few nights ago I saw this cool pattern in a magazine and thought wow this would be cool cover art but it needs something else..the inner artists came out and wella!
The miwas inspired by a conversation about music at a recent party!
Art and music.its fabulous!