Tuesday, September 20, 2016

where to get music on a tight budget

Sometimes I have the urge to shop for new music  but cant spend the kind of money I want to.
The Library of a great way to find new music without spending a dime!
Many public braries have a CD section.
If you have heard of a singer or group the library is a great way to checkout new music.
Before checking out the CD inspect it for scratches. Not everyone takes good cares of CDs that are not theirs!
 My itunes has many library tracks in it. I have even made mixes dedicated to music I discovered from the library!
IMPORTANT NOTE Return your CDs on time are your will pay for it and fines suck!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Eclectic Elements 2016

I stepped back in time a bit foe this mix and went back to ny Rock N Roll roots but yeah this is a splash of jazz and African beats!
Despite what many say getting a CD mix or mixtape still is cool!
I still give mixes to friends and coworkers and they STILL dig em! some family members also like em!
My mixmaking friend Tex Hobart and I have resume trading mixes recently! My friend Larry aka Uncle Orca are die hard fans too! My friend Curt send me one when time permits!